Sunday, February 10, 2013

 Musings from the Road from Willie Nelson

A book review by JC Sullivan (adult reading)

“I didn’t get popular until I got ugly!” Willie Nelson summed up his music success in those words some years ago. This past Christmas I purchased this book for my wife Karen as she is a Willie fan. I just knew it would be a good read. I realized he wasn’t bor wit a silver spoon in his mouth. I expected to hear about his hard times. What I wasn’t prepared for was the humor in the book and the belly laughs they produced while I lay in bed doing my midnight readings.

Did you hear about the nervous bank robber? “Stick up your ass or I’ll blow your hands to hell!”

Willie took off a year off from touring and bought a ranch in Ridgetop, Tennessee. While there he decided to raise hogs. He’d raised them nearly all his life beginning in High School where he did so for show, food, money, or whatever.”
Willie also decided to learn to rope calves, something he’d never done before. “I bought a book called Calf Roping by Toots Mansfield. He had a calf-roping school…He had a lot of young calf ropers to whom he taught the finer skills of roping, so I was sure I could learn from his book….Unfortunately, my roping horse, Preacher, had not read the book.”

A forward penned by Texas DJ Kinky Friedman pretty much hits the nail when describing where Willie’s songwriting and musical talent come from. “Great art is rarely produced by someone who sits down to paint his masterpiece. The guy who sets out to write the great American novel never does it; the great work is invariably written by the guy who was just trying to pay the rent.” 

Now, I’m not even halfway through the book and have surprised myself writing this review. Willie is a hoot!

“If it ain’t broke, break it!”

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Any-Body Can

A Book Review by J.C. Sullivan

Cleveland native Patrick Kilbane has authored a delightful and colorful children’s book titled Any-Body Can. His engineering background is evident as he familiarizes and teaches children the alphabet. Beginning with the letter “A”, he takes them through each letter of the alphabet and also encourages readers to be the best they can be.  For example, “A – “Anybody, anybody, Anybody can. Believe it, achieve it. Plan, Plan, Plan. Anybody, anybody, Anybody Can. 

The abundant and vibrant illustrations are by Bill Peck and Ications Design. Copies of this charming and enchanting book can be obtained by writing Mary Ann Kilbane, 840 Hamlet Lane, A-1, Westlake,Ohio 44145 or by telephoning 216-407-5533.